Release notes - March 2020


Added: New assessment type 'Attendance' to assess the learners with 'Present' or 'Absent'. 

Added: Limit unenrollment option. Learners can only unenroll before the set time period. After the set time period, learners are unable to unenroll. 

Create content

Added: You can now add Hihaho videos as content type in the plus editor.


Improved: When creating a template you don't have to choose a type anymore. Choose the purpose of the template and the functionalities you want to use.

Added: New option in template settings: learners receive e-mail notifications of all discussions, regardless if they participate in the discussions. 

Tab learners at the settings of a course 

Improved: Design of the learner list. 

Added: Activate and unsubscribe button in the user settings. 

Environment settings

Added: Notification text of 'External activity and webinar assessed' can now be edited.

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