Added: Learners now receive a feedback alert after handing in a version in the hand-in assignment.
Improved: It is possible to search the homepage for courses that haven’t been started yet.
Improved: Toggling a template functionality in the template settings will directly check/select all sub-options.
Improved: The content management page is now a stand-alone page, within the ‘More’ button.
Added: An explanation on the content management page.
Improved: The navigation of while editing activities. We changed the 'Cancel' button into a 'Back to template' button.
Improved: various changes to the Dashboard, including:
The order of the data is now shown highest to lowest.
All learners (including those that haven't started the course yet) are now shown in the activity progress.
Combined the various statistics pages into one page with multiple tabs.
Redesign of the learner and course statistics.
Added: Possibility to import users
Added: To make aNewSpring more secure, all new passwords must contain 8 or more characters.
Added: Option to display the events in the product. (Potential) learners can already see (or even enrol for) the events, before purchasing/adding the product.
Look & feel settings
Added: A "Back to overview" button, so you use “Update” to save changes.
Improved: Changed icons on several pages
Improved: Prevent blocking of the servers when users spam data into fields for passwords or access codes.
Gerthilde Mastenbroek
The order of the data is now shown highest to lowest.
All learners (including those that haven't started the course yet) are now shown in the activity progress.
Combined the various statistics pages into one page with multiple tabs.
Redesign of the learner and course statistics.
Look & feel settings
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